Meeting features to reduce digital fatigue for remote teams on mobile

ROLE Product Design, Design System, User Research

TEAM Alexander L, Arlene G, Hossam M, Jessica L, Mathuran S, Tyrone W

WHEN June - August 2020

CLIENT Microsoft Teams Calling, Meetings, and Devices



I designed a set of features for Microsoft Teams with the goal of helping reduce digital fatigue by increasing productivity, improving communication, and encouraging empathy amongst teams. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people all around the world have found themselves facing the challenge of digital fatigue: the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that comes from sitting in front a screen all day, only communicating virtually, and the lack of in person interactions.

I designed these features using the Fluent design system, and proactively sought out feedback and collaboration from other designers and client stakeholders to iterate on my designs. This project gave me the opportunity to have full ownership over my design work, as the sole designer on my team of PM and software engineers. I had to adapt quickly as I led the end to end design process — conducting user research, leading ideation sessions, and iterating on my designs to prepare for shipping.

I would love to share more about my project, but everything I worked on is confidential.

Please email me or find me on Linkedin to learn more about my work ◡̈


I’m more confident than ever.

I had a lot of ownership over my work this summer, which was equally exciting and terrifying. I was challenged every day, but I learned to be more confident in my design work and in presenting my decision making.

I thrive in fast paced environments.

I led 12 weekly design sprints throughout the course of my internship, and had to constantly iterate on my work and adapt to changes. I learned that I’m a fast learner, and can succeed in constantly changing environments.

I can’t wait to keep learning.

I learned to collaborate with PMs and developers, consider business needs in my design work, and so much more in just one summer. I can’t wait to continue to challenge myself and learn through every opportunity I have.

 Shout out to team Mobile Enhancers!

My internship experience wouldn’t have been what it was without the 6 amazing and extremely talented PM and dev interns I worked with! I learned so much from each of them and had so much fun despite a completely virtual internship. I was also so fortunate to be supported by and to collaborate with so many incredible people during my time at Microsoft including but not limited to my manager Chris, mentors Maryanne and Niamh, and Alice, Wei, Chad, & Tim from Teams.


JP Morgan